Sunday, February 28, 2010

Banner logo

This is the logo I am going to use for my banner on my PPT.
I liked this background and these are my two favorite pictures of my kids from this school year.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Lightening a Pic

These pictures were taken in my backyard. The electricity was out so for the first picture my flash from the camera and the light of the moon was the only light. For the second picture I used picasa to lighten it by adjusting the contrast.

Monday, February 15, 2010


The first picture is an untouched picture of depth of field. I was trying to concentrate on the branches above the leaves.
In this picture I cropped out the extra branches and things in the background. I think that by cropping the picture what I was actually trying to focus on stands out more and the eye goes to the branches.