Saturday, March 27, 2010

PPT Photographer

I chose Ansel Adams as the photographer for my power point. I have always loved his pictures. Growing up in the country on a farm in Indiana, I was never really exposed to any other scenery than what I saw outside of my window. When I was in the second grade my sister brought home a magazine that had photographs by Adams in it. I was hooked. I never knew there were places that looked like that in the United States. His photography made me understand that there are other places out there beyond Indiana. Nature is a beautiful, wonderful thing and his photographs have helped people from all over the world see how beautiful the United States really is. He was instrumental in helping the national parks expand and also with conservation of the parks already in exsistance.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Picture Enhancement

This is my dog clyde. I took this in our family room with no flash and the only light coming in from windows in the next room.
I cropped the photo to remove the extras and adjusted the fill light to lighten the picture and also adjusted the color to look more like what you see in the room. After playing around for awhile the end result is more of a "true" picture of Clyde. While using all the different options, I noticed that if you adjust some of the colors too much the picture looks cartoonish-which could be an interesting effect for some pictures. This was a good assignment to show me that if I take a picture that is too dark, it is not necessarily ruined, I can fix it.
This class has me looking over all the pictures that I have taken over the years and trying to "fix" them.

Name Assignment

This assignment was very hard for me! Not only did I need the pictures to spell my name, I wanted them to be something about me. The J is one of my boots that I wear all winter long, the E is from the kitchen table that we spend lots of time eating and playing games at. The first N is from the chair I used to sit on in Sunday school (my mom bought it when the church closed). The second N is from a shelf that is in my dining room and the I is my large bird feeder that is in the back yard. I didn't do too much to edit the pictures except crop them and adjust the lighting. I like how all the pictures are different but I think that they still flow well together.
I have always looked for the letters of my kids names but never my own so this assigment was very eye opening to me.